
The Importance of a GYST day. A ‘Get Your Shit Together’ day!

My best tip to set yourself self up for a successful, productive week is to have a GYST day. A ‘Get Your Shit Together’ day! The 1 day or even 1 hour per week you dedicate to resetting, planning and preparing for the week you have ahead of you. Personally, my GYST day is  Sunday but yours doesn’t have to be. Schedule your GYST day on a day that suits you!

For me, my Sunday revolves around anything and everything that will help me get ready and have a really productive week ahead. My GYST day has three steps, I reset, plan and prepare. 

RESET  – Sunday morning I take sometime out for myself, I take my dog for a swim down the beach, make a big wholesome breakfast, reflect on the week I have had and start my plan for the week ahead. 

PLAN – This is the biggest step for me. I organize EVERYTHING that will happen during the coming week. I start by pulling out my calendar and writing in my work hours, when I have clients, when I will be in the gym. Secondly, I fill in any appointments, events or running around I have to do. I then block out time for my own workouts or schedule in the classes I want to go to that week. The last thing I schedule into my calendar for the week is ‘Me Time’! Book in some time for you! Whether it is a walk, a hair appointment or a yoga session, try and find a time where you won’t get distracted, put your phone away and focus on yourself. Finally, I plan my meals for the week, I plan lunch and dinner,  but you might just plan dinner. Following my meal plan I then create my grocery list so that I only buy what I need and no food goes to waste.

PREPARE – Firstly, I make my to do lists for the week. For each day of the week I write down the things I need to get done, from walking the dog, to grocery shopping, cleaning and things I need to do for work. Having everything written down, when it needs to be done helps me manage my time better. The last thing I do on my GYST day is go grocery shopping and prepare my food for the week. Now I don’t meal prep  but I do food prep, I make sure all my veggies are cut up ready for dinner during the week, I make some roast veggies or salad to keep in the fridge for lunches and make sure all my big fruit is cut up so it super easy and accessible when my sweet tooth strikes. When I was working in a 9-5 office job I also found it useful to plan out my outfit for the week, it was I less thing I had to think of in the morning – you might find this useful! 

If you don’t get the time to complete a full GYST day, or all of this organisation talk confused you, my three must-do things to have a more successful week are; 

1. Make a weekly schedule 

2. Utilize your to do lists 

3. Prepare where possible 

Coach Paris x

Fail To Prepare, Prepare To Fail


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